14 February 2012

I have become one of those people. Those stressed out workaholics. Sometimes I love being one of those people. Sometimes I thrive on always having something to do and somewhere to be. And sometimes I feel like I'll never catch up and I'll never have a second to catch my breath or finish a project or talk to the people I love. I hate that second person.

Amber Rae's last post just made me take a second to slow down. De-stress. Think. It wasn't actually about this, but I don't want to loose sight of why I'm here, what I'm doing, what I want to do. I'm going to try to take an hour every night for myself. Personal emails, catching up on reading, writing. It's not a lot, and it's going to be hard. I live with six people and will always have work to catch up and something else to read and lots of noise and things to do. I also need to wake up earlier to go running, as tired as I might be, I need to do it. There are a lot of people out there who work longer and harder than me and I just have to adjust. So I'm going to.

My favorite part of Amber's post was thinking about what type of environment I want to be living in and asking myself what steps I can take today towards where I want to be - imagine yourself there now and feel like that every day. How awesome does that sound? BE HAPPY NOW. Duh.

Other random ramblings....

If you're in Boston, I probably miss you a lot. If you have an adorable little girl who definitely already forgets who I am already, can you show her a picture of me and then read her the book I bought and then send me something sparkly? If you're in my favorite band, will you send me some of your new songs? If you're Marisa, will you bake me something delicious? Am I being too needy? :)

I know some really awesome people. Like my fellow fellows. My friend Tim in the Peace Corps in Africa. My girl Jessie, who auditioned for the Voice. My birthday/name twin, who just happens to be the STAR of this video. My friends are all over the world and they're amazing. I'm blown away by their dedication and passion and I'm so lucky to know them.

Happiness comes from the intersection of what you love, what you're good at, and what the world needs. What big problems are you trying to solve?

I wrote this! I'll be starting quite a good portfolio, which I'm pretty happy about.

Loved this piece for so many reasons. I loved Moneyball, and I love how our boss made everyone read it and still uses it as an every day metaphor to good business. I think my old boss would have done exactly the same thing. We don't care as much about the failures or successes, but we want you to get on base. I also love that article for the honesty it brings out regarding the asian american culture and the expectations stowed upon them. Will definitely try to keep up with Lin in the news.

I love this. So much. Because life is an unreasonable affair.

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