22 April 2012

"So, rumble, young musicians, rumble. Open your ears and open your hearts. Don't take yourself too seriously, and take yourself as seriously as death itself. Don't worry. Worry your ass off. Have ironclad confidence, but doubt – it keeps you awake and alert. Believe you are the baddest ass in town, and, you suck!

It keeps you honest. It keeps you honest. Be able to keep two completely contradictory ideas alive and well inside of your heart and head at all times. If it doesn't drive you crazy, it will make you strong. And stay hard, stay hungry, and stay alive. And when you walk onstage tonight to bring the noise, treat it like it's all we have. And then remember, it's only rock and roll." - Bruce.

18 April 2012

"I think the most important thing I took away from all that time with my nose in happiness research and behavioral econ is that we overestimate the value of what we already have and so underestimate the upside of taking a chance, leaving something behind, and making a big change. Most of us end up where we are through a sort of drift. Sometimes that works out splendidly. And drift hasn’t not worked out for me. I really like what I do. But, alas, I don’t really love it. I never wanted to be a pundit or a “public intellectual.” I always wanted to be an artist of some sort and I still want that. I want to make awesome shit people love. It’s my new motto: make awesome shit people love. So here we go!"

17 April 2012

10 April 2012

My latest Not For Sale blog post: On how to be a conscious consumer.
A big thank you to The Onion, for writing a story about my life. I'll file this one in the "It's funny because it's true" category*.

*I'm not proud of this.

04 April 2012

Happy Birthday to one of my always-there-for-me-through-good-times-and-bad-best-friends, Vilvaraja. We've laughed, we've cried, we've lived together, we've split incredibly large bottles of vodka and wine (although not at the same time, I don't think...) and forgotten a lot of wonderful, as well as terrible, nights. I love you so much and I don't know what I'd do without you. <3