02 October 2009

Eventually I want to write at least a little bit every day. My problem with this is that I hardly think I have enough interesting things to talk about that often. So I decided to spend some time reading other blogs. Of strangers. (I'm obviously really busy at work.) This is slightly new to me, other then my obsession with Danielle LaPorte and her incredibly inspiring White Hot Truth. It's been interesting to see how everyone "knows" each other, at least in the blogging world. Each blog I read refers me to another and they all talk about how inspiring the other is, constantly quoting from the next. So somehow I've entered myself into the mix of these incredibly inspiring women and instead of writing I just keep reading blog after blog after blog.

So stay tuned to see where this blog might go. In the meantime, a few things I've done/learn/realized this week:

1) I love lunch dates. Meeting a friend, especially an old friend or someone you haven't seen in a while, in the middle of the day is both something to look forward to and a nice pick me up before going back into the office for the long haul. For those of you who have reached out, thanks. For those of you who are around, let me know! I feel important and busy scheduling lunch dates with people - it makes my life a lot more interesting.

2) I feel like I don't have a lot of "friends" here in Beantown anymore. On the contrary, there are a lot of people around I just don't contact them enough. So I convinced my roommates to have a party tonight (not a difficult task) and already have enjoyed the art of bringing people together. I'm looking forward to tonight.

3) The thrill of the unknown. Meeting new people, getting excited about the little things again - I have no idea what's going to happen but looking forward to the fun and non-seriousness of it all. I'm tired of over dramatic people. I'm over it. The thrill is exciting.

4) Went out with people from work last night and had a really great time. I'm always the youngest, and most of the time I feel like I don't belong, but I am trying to step it up a notch. Met other people from the University, had a lot of really great conversations. Drank martini's and wine while live jazz music played in the background. Felt like an adult. I can do this.

5) The internet is amazing. Exploring, trying to figure out what twitter is all about. I figure since I'm at my computer all day, the least I can do is get involved with this online community of blogging, tweeting, etc. We'll see how long it lasts until I get frustrated.. maybe I'll like it!

6) Missing Vietnam more then I can explain. Talked to everyone I know - everyone is okay. The damage was mostly done in Central Vietnam and I luckily only have ties to the North and South. The articles and pictures have made me slightly depressed and my drive to save the world has been kicked in. I wish I could just be there. I don't know what good that would do.. but it would make me feel better.

7) Happy October! It's officially fall weather and I love it. Getting terrified of winter because I never liked the cold before and after a year of no seasons I'm not sure I'm fully prepared for a New England winter. But fall is beautiful. I love the crisp air, the changing colors, the pumpkin flavored everything. Fulling taking part in everything fall has to offer. If winter could just hold off for as long as possible...

8) I love talking on the phone. When I was in HS my boyfriend lived an hour away and we talked on the phone for what felt like (and very well may have been) hours every night. This lasted at least four years. Granted, that was slightly before internet took over our lives (definitely before facebook and texting.) I talked to Joanna on the phone for over an hour the other night, it was so nice! I can't wait for her to move back to Boston, but it was nice to relive the telephone call. I wish people would do that more often.

9) Quotes might be my favorite thing, and if you've ever met me you probably know this. No matter how I feel or what is going on in my life I can usually find a quote to represent how I feel, better then I could say it myself. This quote that has been presented to me in a few different ways this week and although I liked it, I didn't feel an immediate connection with it. I finally wrote it down and figured maybe I should pass it on. I have no idea what it means for me right now, but maybe it will be good for someone else. And I've always loved Anais Nin...

"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are."

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