20 July 2011

I came across this wonderful "How to be Happy Come Hell or Highwater" list and I just had to share. This is actually the third addition, but it's my favorite. To check out the first or second part, see her full blog post here.

1. Let your guard down. Don’t worry about how you sound or how you look or what it means. Let yourself be you, whoever you are in that very moment.

2. Lock arms with a dear friend. Declare your love. Say you’ll be together for ever. Mean it. When things break (and they will always break), lock arms again and say, “Tell me everything.” (This I’m learning how to do for the very first time.)

3. Make space for a little adventure. Say yes to the unexpected invitation. Don’t think twice when someone asks you what you want. There’s no shame in that, and you will not be sorry.

4. Let your eyes say everything. You don’t have to spell it all out. Be delighted. Shine.

5. Be devoted. Give your heart over to this moment. See the goodness in it, don’t be afraid to worship. Don’t hold back your appreciation.

6. Put your records on. Dance.

7. Lie down in the grass and look at the sky. Invite someone you barely know to lie down next to you, if only for one minute. Send someone you love who is suffering out into the grass to lie down until they feel better. (Thanks, Anne, for this one!)

8. Take the long way home. Forget about faster, finer or more efficient. When you meander, magic happens. The only way to find your way is to be okay with being lost for awhile.

9. Become an exquisite listener. Lean in, fine tune your focus. Realize that that story you are listening to is meant to be your story, too. Especially if that story stirs up jealousy or longing.

10. Tell a story. The true story. About right now. Don’t be afraid to be foolish, because it’s foolish to let a minute go by without being true to who you really are.

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