26 August 2011

Settling into the single life, I have noted, but not yet decided if I appreciate, that people around me are very concerned with "setting me up". Over the past week this has included;

a) my mom calling me to tell me that I just had to audition for Love in the Wild (season two is casting now, if you're interested),
b) my dad asking me (upon telling him that I am anywhere in public, like the grocery store) if there are any cute guys there,
c) my coworker telling me she knew a guy I'd just love, and showing me pictures on facebook, and
d) another coworker excitedly asking me if I was single (he wasn't sure, but he thought he heard it somewhere...) and subsequently dragging me (literally) over to a guy he thought I'd be great with.

I find this most interesting because this has never happened before. I've been in relationships, I've been in Vietnam where being 22 and unmarried is completely unacceptable, and so settled into the spinster role as quickly as possible, I've lived with boys, which is a whole other experience, and then I've been in relationships. I have to say, it's kind of exciting. What's most interesting is seeing the types of guys my friends think I'd be interested in. In case (d) after I assured him that I was, indeed, single, his response was "light or dark? blonde or brunette?" When I told him I wasn't really sure, he introduced me to multiple guys, all in good faith. I can appreciate that people are looking out for me, but I am slightly concerned with the need for me to be dating anybody. Can't I just be single for a little while? Although this could be fun...

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