On loving food.
A few days ago I went to Qdoba for lunch. Before you judge me, please know that I am otherwise a fairly healthy eater, and my qdoba days bring back college memories, when it was the only thing that could cure my hangover.
So yes, I was hungover at work. And so I went to Qdoba and I ordered a steak queso burrito. If you've ever seen the size of a Qdoba burrito you will again start to judge me, but if you ever feel so hungover that you can't go on, please just try one.
Anyway, as I ordered the guy behind the counter (whom I recognized, from being there so often) literally stopped in his tracks, looked me straight in the eye, and smiled. "I like you. You look like a salad girl but then you go ahead and order a steak queso burrito." As he shook his head in disbelief I simply replied with, Well I love the queso. The weird part is I don't even eat meat that often, and I've actually never had this burrito with steak - it was a spur of the moment decision that I most certainly did not regret. I spent a few minutes wondering what a salad girl was, but quickly forgot the whole thing happened...
Until I went to a local deli yesterday for a good old fashioned sub. I stand by my theory that Boston does not know how to make a good sub, but apparently this is the best place in Brookline, and although I was highly disappointed when I went last year, I needed to give the sub another try. After waiting for way too long (seriously, what do they do back there? and how do they have so many awards?) the guy began to put my sub in the bag, but held it back while he looked at me and smiled. "I'd like to see you eat this whole thing." what? "There's no way you could finish this sub." you wanna make a bet?
I know some might attest that I should be taking these as compliments. I don't. I'm a normal-to-skinny girl and because I've worked out my whole entire life, this doesn't surprise me. But I love food. And that's okay. If I want to eat a queso burrito [which is, by the way, way larger than it really should be] I can. And I most certainly am not going to waste any of it. And there are also times when I'm not that hungry, and if I don't want to eat that much, that's okay too. Sometimes I'll be satisfied with a small salad and sometimes I'll come home and eat the funfetti cake right off of the pan with a fork. The day I put any sort of restrictions on my diet I'll be a sad, sad girl.
Why do we think it's okay to judge people based on their appearances? Will that ever stop?
PS. I definitely finished that sub. And now I'm off to bake something...
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