29 June 2011

Tomorrow is PAYDAY. A payday that includes a bonus. A bonus full of blood, sweat and tears (not at all) and a boss that is giving me probably more than I deserve, but is also leaving me so I'll take it.

Tomorrow I have to write a ten page paper that I haven't started yet. Due by the end of the day. Friday I have to write a second ten page paper that I haven't started yet. Due by the end of Friday. But then, I'm home free for a WEEK! This is where you can find me:

For those of you who don't think that's a picture of the Jersey Shore, I don't want to hear it. I'm going on vacation!!

1 comment:

  1. i wish i lived in boston so we could hoop together. Your blog is one of my new favorites to read. Happy vaca:)
